You know your summer wardrobe is in serious need of an overhaul when the barista recognizes you for your cutoffs and white T-shirt uniform, not that regular skim chai. So, when we're looking to switch it up (in terms of clothing, not coffee), we hit up our blogroll of L.A.'s finest for new ways to wear our wardrobe.
But, this Saturday, we're ditching the laptop and getting some one-on-one time with two of Tinseltown's top bloggers: Aimee Song and Karla Deras. The duo, fresh from separate summer vacays (Aimee was in Brazil, while Karla was in Greece) are back in action at the 7 For All Mankind shopping soirée, doing what they do best — doling out fashion 101.
Swing by the Santa Monica spot for styling tips and tons of 7FAM goodies. Unfortunately, house photographer James Franco is not one of the gifts — but that doesn't mean there won't be plenty of prize items to peep!
When: Saturday, August 18, 4 to 7 p.m.
Where: 7 For All Mankind, 395 Santa Monica Place (at Broadway Street); 310-393-2527.
Photo: Via 7 For All Mankind