Apple's design guru Jonathan Ive has been awarded the esteemed title of Knight Commander of the British Empire in the U.K. (San Jose Mercury News)
Read all about J.J. Abrams' (of Lost fame) new series, out this month, called Alcatraz. Too bad it was filmed in Vancouver. (HuffPo SF)
Owners of historic Victorians around Duboce Park and other 'hoods are resisting the cities plans to make the area a protected historic district. (The Bay Citizen)
Take a virtual tour of the Denver studio of formerly local artist Even Hecox with this nifty photo portfolio, shot by S.F. photog Andrew Paynter. (Fecal Face)
Likewise, take a peek inside the home-office of the founders of gifting start-up, (California Home + Design)

Photo: Via Fox