Above from left, Wang with his sister and niece; his niece seems to enjoy that fur hammock.

Above: Wang signs a guest's handbag.
Why do you think everyone wants to get their hands on your handbags?
“God, I don’t know! I think you need to ask people here. I am so flattered and excited that people are buying anything. I’m really touched when people I don’t know, real people, are carrying our stuff whether it’s handbags, shoes…”
Your parties are pretty epic. That carnival-themed one last year! Where do you get your ideas for them?
"I have amazing partners. We’ve been working with Rassi from Milk for the last three seasons. He’s really the big genius behind all this, and most important of all MAC. You know it’s a combination of people who want to have fun and don’t want to do the same thing as everybody else is doing. And we want people to come and have a good time and not have to think about a thing. It’s a party!”
So what’s going to happen for the next party? Do you have an idea already?
“No idea (laughs).”

We know you like dancing a lot. If you were going to go up to a DJ and request some tunes, what would they be?
“Uhmm, I’m really into Nicki [Minaj] right now, of course, who isn’t? I’m very into Black and Yellow by Wiz Khalifa (laughs).”
So we were wondering, would it ever be a deal breaker if someone you were dating didn’t like your designs?
“(Laughs) No, I feel like that would be a deal maker! I believe that opposites attract.”
What celebrity have you seen wearing your stuff that you flipped when you saw?
“Kate Moss. I get really, really flattered. Especially because she has everything thrown at her at for free.”
Let’s talk about NY. You’ve mentioned that you sometimes get inspiration from subway—what’s your favorite subway stop?
“I have to say, probably Canal Street. It’s the closest to our office and it’s the junction of Chinatown and everyone has to pass through it, so it’s a pretty unique dynamic.”
And where do you go dancing?
“My house.”
So you throw a lot of house parties?
“I just moved so yes.”
We think it’s great that you work with your family, but what is the hardest part about working with them?
“That they’re your family. And you can say anything you want to them, or the feeling that you can say anything you want to them. (He points to the most adorable baby swinging in the hammock donning the Gold Feline Sunglasses) That’s my niece.”
When you first had your credit card what was the first thing you bought? Did you go all out and splurge?
“I think I did. I was one of those kids that split a purchase on four credit cards so my parent wouldn’t know. I would like charge $20 on here, another $30 on here, $10 here…”