Check out the new, "beautiful, eerie art for beautiful, eerie art's sake" of Palms' new video directed by our pals Brett & Tina. Awesome. (Interview)
Alexander Olch made a movie. Be excited! (Paper)
Alexander McQueen also made a movie. Be slightly scared! (The Cut)
Those three weeks we perfected Tetris sophomore year were not all in vain. (Dazed Digital)
Jonathan Saunders bids "Ta" to New York Fashion Week. (WWD)
We've already seen the paper dolls of Kate and Aggy. Modelina has some other two-dimensional suggestions—all of them valid. (Modelina)
Of course Sarkozy's ban on burqa is an affront to liberty and cultural freedoms, but also think of all that wasted hand-stitched cloth. (WWD)
The new lady in charge of the Met Gala is just chic enough to make us die… bananas. (The Cut)