I’ve been blessed (or cursed) with a lanky, athletic frame — long legs, lame butt, no hips. Thanks, Dad. And so much so, that I’ve been mistaken for a "him" one too many times and I look wretched in bodycon. Granted, a pixie cut doesn’t exactly help my case, but nevertheless, getting jeans to fit both my shape and my unwilling wallet proves a nightmare situation. Until I shopped in the little boys'
Giving up on both the job and the impossible, I spent my spare $10 on comfort food and wine instead.
Perhaps one of my most brilliant decisions to date, that grocery store had all the answers. Cheap wine, reduced snacks, and a strategically placed kids' clothing section. I think on reflection I probably scared some parents as I ran with such glee over to the rack of boys' skinny jeans. Black, slim-leg, and a $12 price tag. Whether they’re actually meant to be cropped I’ll never know, but if I roll up the cuff, it looks intentional. Heck, they’ve even got an adjustable waist, proving handy for big dinner days and/or tucking in extra layers.