J.Lo's roster of exes is longer than most people's grocery lists. But, messier than the breakup with P.Diddy or Ben Affleck was the split she had with her former makeup artist Scott Barnes. The beauty guru, who gave Jenny that signature glow, was ousted from the entourage after allegedly leaking private info about the pop star. Since then, Barnes has gone on to release not one, but two makeup-centric tomes, and has gussied up nearly every gal in Hollywood — quite the rebound! And, although he's taking over TInseltown one red carpet at a time, he remains hush-hush about the woman who started it all, leading us to believe the accusations were nothing but bologna.
Last time we tapped Barnes for makeup lessons he kept mum about the diva, which is why this month's issue of Allure is already in rapid circulation around the office. Yes, he finally opened up about J.Lo to the glossy, and gave readers some juicy deets about being a member of her inner circle. For example, he revealed that she didn't properly say sayonara — she just stopped calling. Ouch.
We won't spill the beans, but we recommend you hit the newsstand ASAP for the tabloid-worthy scoop. Us Magazine, meet your match. (Allure)

Photo: Via Allure