Our Amazon-browsing habits rarely expand beyond the occasional hunt for a DVD or coffee-table book. But, it seems we might be whistling a different tune soon and breaking out the big bucks on the Seattle-based site.
According to CNET, Amazon is forging ahead on efforts to secure a new marketplace via third-party vendors, filled with original Andy Warhol pieces and $700 bottles of vino. (Yes, this isn't 1stdibs.com or Gilt — it's Amazon!)
The luxury realm has been completely untapped by the company, which boasts itself on its practical offerings but feels the shift is a natural evolution. Tapping third-party sellers allows Amazon to flaunt these highbrow offerings in a new way — sellers ship on their own but use the platform and services as a unique way to highlight the goodies, making it an ideal online bazaar for wine and art sellers and beyond. So, the next time you’re on the prowl for that perfect Pinot Noir, you might want to gloss over the Whole Foods aisle and head straight online. Who knew?!