American Apparel is certainly no stranger to controversy. But their newest ads have us thinking Dov Charney took the phrase "save the drama for yo mama" a little too literally. Their ads, which normally feature scantily clad underage plain janes, now show off expecting mothers in unitards and knee socks. But, as our Style Director claims, rather than making her look glowing, they're actually kind of...unflattering ("How to look like a house, when you already look like one"). But, we're almost kind of relieved—the last thing we need is another semi-nude pregnant lady. And oh, in case you think the notoriously tight-fitting label went to the trouble of making breezier fits for bigger bellies—they didn't. Nothing like strapping on a skin-tight XL unitard to your bulging stomach and hopping on the L train! Now that's something we're just dying to see this summer. (Jezebel)