Know that cheerful feeling of glancing down at a fresh mani on an otherwise dreary-morning drive to work? Maybe it's just us, but a bright punch of color on a June-gloom day can't help but bring a hint of a smile to our faces.
Perfect timing, because L.A.-based American Apparel has given us Angelenos something to cheer about — no, not another near-nude editorial campaign. The always-colorful company has come out with a new nail polish line that we're dyeing to try. The "Sheer" limited-edition summer nail lacquer collection offers six beautifully bold glosses named after our very own beloved Cali beaches (dont you just love a shout out?). While the shades are uber vivid, they are still well...sheer enough to layer, mix, and match.
With juicy hues like a zesty-yellow "Zuma Beach" or a poppy coral "Manhattan Beach," you can get that neon ombré nail art we've been seeing on so many beauty blogs. These lacquers are highly pigmented, ample, and made cruelty free to boot — so scoop these babies up before they sell out. The glosses are currently available in U.S. stores and online, so polish off (pun intended!) your summer uniform with an eye-catching rainbow of color bound to beat the June-gloom blues away.
Vamos a la playa? Indeed.
Photo: Via American Apparel