American Hipster Debuts On YouTube — First Stop: San Francisco

One look around the sprawling Mission district and it's plain to see, hipster culture abounds in S.F. If you don't believe us, try watching a single episode of
without relating.

With that in mind, we weren't totally surprised when we heard that S.F.-based production company Seedwell just launched a YouTube channel dedicated to all things hipsterdom, dubbed — what else? —
American Hipster

The original series, which is actually quite incredible and part of YouTube's new rollout of original programming, airs three different segments a week. Our favorite is definitely "American Hipster Presents," which looks at 10 hipster-ridden cities across the good ol' U.S.A. with five episodes a pop, focusing on the art, food, style, music, and social characteristics of each town. Naturally, the first city profiled is in Seedwell's very own backyard, San Francisco.
The beautifully shot series captures the behind-the-scenes action at storied hipster hangout Four Barrel Coffee and cult-followed bread maker Jeremy Tooker on the food side, Instagram celeb Bex Finch on the art front, the Yours Truly film crew in music, the Bon Vivants artisanal cocktail specialists for the nightlife portion, and barber Shorty Maniance for S.F. style.
"We've gradually watched the influence of 'hipster' styles and attitudes spread far and wide over the last decade — to the point where it isn't clear whether certain things have been born out of hipster culture, or whether they've been gobbled up by it," Peter Furia of Seedwell explains. "It's everywhere. We saw this channel as a means to meaningfully explore the trends behind hipster culture, as well as a way to have some fun looking at some of the stereotypes behind it."
Honestly, this is the best exploration of the term that we've seen yet. We suggest you head over to the channel to check it all out, stat.

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