We don't think a day has gone by since December of 2009 that someone from Jersey Shore wasn't in the news. Today, though, was a grenade of information, with loony tune updates from Angelina and The Situation that really shouldn't be true. The first nugget of nuttiness came from Angelina (but of course), who was a guest on The Wendy Williams Show this morning (but of course 2.0). Angelina, who was reviled by everybody on the show, but we kinda love, told the audience that she's set to release a single called "I'm Hot." You can catch Wendy's reaction to that here. In another part of the juicehead stratosphere, VH1 posted an exclusive interview they got with Annabelle DeSisto, a chick that cameoed on the 11th episode of Season 2. In it, DeSisto dishes hardcore on Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, revealing, among other priceless gems, The Sitch's pickup line: "Can you just shut up and blow me?" We're also a bit concerned about Mike's sanity—DeSisto claimed he kept repeating everything 10 times in a row, "sort of like Rain Main." Can you imagine giving a BJ to a slightly insane Mike while Angelina's song played in the background? The stuff of nightmares.