Video: It’s Not An Antique Store, It’s A Home

We've passed by Anthony Pisano's place in the East Village a couple of times, always assuming it was one particularly chaotic antiques shop, but have only just now discovered it's not a boutiuqe at all. Little did we know that Pisano lives in the little, tchotchke-filled storefront space. Yep, though he'll let you walk out with one of his many curiosities if you fall deeply in love with it, nothing – not the pictures of Frank Sinatra, the odd figurines, nor the ages-old Christmas ornaments – is for sale. Even so, Pisano's door is always open and the browsing and conversations are free. Is Pisano just this side of being a horder? Well, maybe – we couldn't say. But we know one thing for certain – he and his non-store are 100% New York. Enjoy the video and stop in some time. (Core 77)

Image: Via Arrival/Depature Films.


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