Does This Start-Up Stack Up? ArchetypeMe Curates Newsfeeds For Your Personality

We’re all guilty of trying to take a deeper peek into our inner selves, from reading our horoscopes to circling letters in magazine quizzes. And now, there’s a new digital way to tap — er, click — into our unique personas. Enter ArchetypeMe, a novel website that cultivates news and media streams based on your individualized personality. Which means no more sliding past stories that make your eyes roll, or at least, we hope so.
The site is still in beta, but you can stroll over now to take a quiz and discover exactly what your archetype is, from fashionista to rebel. All you have to do is answer a short series of queries, such as “I can’t stop...?” (possible answer: “shopping"). Once you sort out your archetype, you can start adding friends and receive your own dashboard filled with interesting articles and videos. Head over to the site and fill us in: Is ArchetypeMe a clever new way to get your news or does it feel a little too clique-y? Weigh in below!
  • No doubt! It’s the best way to stay updated on what matters to me.
  • Maybe! I’m curious to see what pops up.
  • Do I have to?
  • Nah. I can curate the news myself, thanks.

Photo: Via Archetype

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