What does your tie say about your politics? IF you tie a tie any other way, does it change your popular standing? These are major questions to keep in mind during tonight's third and final debate between McCain and Obama. According to an article in Newsweek, it may not matter if the debate is a tie—rather, it's about the ties in the debate. Apparently, a knot can teach us a lot about the politico rocking it. For instance, the Windsor, favored by McCain, signifies the more well-established sectors of this country (the Senator is, after all, the son of an admiral who was himself the son of an admiral.) Obama's four-in-hand knot, in contrast, "is for someone who has 30 seconds in the morning&hellip:it's a knot for the masses." Of course, this is all conjecture—we doubt such analysis would have predicted the "tie" of 2000. Anyways, whether or "knot" you believe this voodoo, it's something to watch for when you're playing your debate drinking game tonight and the question of Windsor vs. four-in-hand will be decided on November 4. (Newsweek)