White-T-shirt season has just begun, which means those dreaded pit stains are right around the corner. But, before you go out and buy five of the same perfectly cut-to-fit-you tops in fear of being limited to low-fives all day and robotic dance moves all night, you really need to treat yourself to a bottle of Deo-Go.
This is seriously the best product to get rid of those dreaded yellowy pit stains. The solution is magic, and you just need a set of gloves and a brush to apply. A few spritzes, a scrub, and a wash later, and the difference between the before and after is off-the-charts insane. This is one product that's definitely worth picking up, because did you really want to end up with an overstuffed drawer of white garments waiting to be repurposed into who-knows-what? Thought not.