It’s safe to say we’re not exactly newbies when it comes to makeup. Root stamping? Tried it. Orange lip? So last season. But, that doesn’t mean we don’t have questions. Questions like is it possible to get eyebrows back from an overzealous pluck, or how do you get the no-makeup makeup look?
What we need is a personal makeup artist — someone at our beck and call for every beauty quandary, someone like Yadim. This world-renowned celebrity makeup artist has brushed the faces of Lady Gaga, Kate Upton, and Rihanna (just to name a few). And, now he’s making his services available to the masses.
Each month, he’s answering a question from a reader at Maybelline’s new site City. All you have to do is tweet @Maybelline your Q, using #cityqa, and you have a chance to get your most pressing beauty dilemma solved. First up, an oldie but a goodie: “I have blemishes. What makeup should I wear?”
Curious to read Yadim's response? Head on over to City to read his tips — they just might surprise you. Now, if only we could get someone on there to give us dating advice, we’d be set.