Your Horoscope: Get It Now On R29TV!

In case you couldn't tell from all our horoscope coverage, we're unabashed freaks about astrology. And, since we really can't get enough, we're elevating our obsession to next-level heights with the debut of our brand-new original web series Astrologica.
Hosts Tali and Ophira Edut, best known as the AstroTwins, need no introduction — after all, they are the trusted voices behind our weekly cosmic reporting. So, we're stoked to be tapping into this stellar duo's insight, face to face. Every Monday, the AstroTwins will break down what it really means when Mercury is in retrograde, or how the sun powering forward will affect your life. (That's what we're all here for, right?)
For our first episode, the AstroTwins get inspired by The Fault In Our Stars, the coming-of-age film that tackles (among other things) an area where we all can use some foresight: our love lives. Watch our premiere episode above, as Tali and Ophira share the goods on what's in store for you this week. And, if that's not enough to quell your appetite for romance, be sure to pencil in the premiere of The Fault In Our Stars on June 6. Click below for a closer look, and then get your tickets here. It's gonna be a love-filled tears parade.

Astrologica video shot by Jack Pearce and Kenny Wu. Edited by Chris Beer.


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