For the opening night of the EDUN pop-up shop inside Hayes Valley's Azalea, host, Ali Hewson, head of the fair trade clothing line—not to mention, Bono's lady—greeted a very green-friendly San Francisco crowd. Nibbling on munchies from Organic Chef Catering and sipping fruity drinks from Africa Rum, were a lively assortment of familiar partygoers, attractive hipsters, suit type, and…burly body guards? The intense amount of hired security was enough to keep one from even looking at the rack of sustainable denim or stacks of organic graphic tees. Call us crazy, but it's a bit unsettling to be watched by large, dark-suited men while choosing your size. It was nice to know that 15% sales for the pop-up shop (open till October 20) go to ONEXONE's Africa H2O Project. Wery peace and love, even with the added security.

Photos by Philip Nguyen
EDUN's pop-up shop will be at Azalea until October 20 at 411 Hayes Street, San Francisco, 415-861-9888; www.azaleasf.com. For more information go to www.edunonline.com.