The Atlantic may have been founded by a bunch of dudes (just Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, NBD), but the D.C.-based magazine and online media hub has a long-running tradition of featuring female voices. From Julia Ward Howe’s abolitionist poetry to the recent mega-viral features on the life of American women ("The End of Men," "All the Single Ladies,” and "Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” to name a few), the company publishes smart writing by and about women — and its authors don't shy away from controversy.
Now, get ready for your social media platforms to blow up with fascinating links on an even more regular basis: The site just launched The Sexes, a new channel dedicated specifically to covering gender and society. Expect personal essays on relationships and family alongside serious reporting on women’s roles in business, politics, and the world at large. The editors hope this new channel will serve as an acknowledgment of the importance of talking about gender issues in a culture that can seem hostile to women — which sounds like a pretty good idea to us. We expect our moms, sisters, and friends will be hitting those “share this article” buttons an awful lot. (WWD)
Photo: Courtesy of The Atlantic