Check out Rachel J. Cox's somber yet irresistibly cute bunny portraits at newcomer gallery Charmingwall. Rachel J. Cox at Charmingwall. (ongoing)
Part of Film Forum's film noir thriller series, this flick has enough gangsters and two-timin' gals to satisfy any pulp fan. Touchez Pas Au Grisbi at Film Forum. (August 17)
J.Crew's specialty denim store gives out icy treats and 15% off coupons. Sweet deal.
Madewell Sno-Cone Cart. (August 14-17)
Madewell Sno-Cone Cart. (August 14-17)
Dirty Projectors know how to put on a good show, and free access to their jangly melodies seals the deal. Dirty Projectors at South Street Seaport. (August 15)
The perfect equation of math rock, tribal sounds, and free entry. Battles, Black Dice, and Gang Gang Dance at Central Park Summerstage. (August 16)
Nothing like a good scavenger hunt to round off the summer. Death and Taxes Scavenger Hunt. (August 16)