Every year, downtown rag PAPER puts out their Beautiful People list, a mix of designers, celebrities, artists, and tastemakers that are always sort of unexpected, with a couple of names that make you go "Huh?" This year, that list included some stellar up-and-comers (designers Cushnie et Ochs and Joseph Altuzarra) as well as "I Kissed a Girl" singer Kate Perry. Our faves are cool bands Abe Vigoda and Telepathe, actress and Refinery pal Zoe Lister-Jones, super-stylist-editor-fashion-team Keegan (Singh) and Kate (Lanphear), DJ Matt Creed (yeah, we know, but still), and artist and sometime-DJ Aurel Schmidt. In the "Huh?" list goes City star Whitney Port, way more Seventeen than PAPER, but hey, maybe we're wrong. Stay tuned for our coverage of the celebratory party on Thursday night, where we might go into beauty-arrest from so many good-looking people in one room. In the meantime, anoint your picks for the prettiest of the pack below.