File this under: Things We Wish Were Real. Someone hung up a laminated sign on behalf of the City of Stonnington banning Ed Hardy from the premises of Chapel Street. The sign reads:
"The City of Stonignton [sic] and Chapel St [sic] Precinct hereby announce that Ed Hardy shall cease trading immediately.
Despite claims of financial troubles, Ed Hardy have [sic] actually contravened style and taste laws, and are [sic] no longer permitted within a 20km radius of Chapel St.
In turn, all you fuck-head Jersey Shore wannabes can go back to the suburbs, to spend the exorbitant amounts of cash you were going to use on bedazzled wifebeaters, on your illegitimate children instead.
Please do not return."
Though we can't say that we don't share the same ill-will towards the brand, we recommend that when you're faking a letter from the city, you should probably make sure to spell the city name correctly.
What were they so mad about? Look here—the worst of the worst Ed Hardy products.