When it comes to burgers, we kind of consider ourselves connoisseurs. We've tried nearly every savory option under the sun — from fried eggs to meat-free, we rarely turn down the chance to take a bite. But, when we caught wind of the newest menu item at the Avalon Hotel's Oliverio restaurant, we almost booked an optometrist appointment — $500 for a truffle burger? Surely, these folks added an extra zero by mistake!
Well, the Huffington Post has confirmed that the swanky establishment is indeed selling its Hamburger al Tartufo for 500 bones, making it the world's most expensive. Why the insane cost? In honor of white truffle season, the restaurant's chef has created a 12 ounce Kobe beef burger smothered in truffle-infused cheese. Plus, on top of the decadent dairy is an additional two ounces of shaved white truffles. According to the eatery, the ingredients are rare and seasonal, hence the hefty bill.
So, for those of you looking to put your money where your mouth is, remember to order (and pay for!), the dish 48 hours in advance. Everyone else (a.k.a. the 99%), take a look at our fave burgers from around town, all clocking in at under $20. (Huffington Post)
Update: If you're into super fancy burgers, we've now received word that a $666 patty also exists in L.A. Interested in gobbling it up? Peep its ingredients and location here!
Photo: Courtesy of Kelly Wearstler