We thought we had seen it all when people started naming their babies Facebook (yes, that really happened) and Apple — among many other bizarre alternatives. But no, this really takes the odd, baby-naming cake. One social-media obsessed mom has declared her love for tagging-related tidbits and named her baby girl Hashtag and announced it to her friends and followers on Facebook (but not Twitter … interesting). Call us crazy, but it does have a little bit of a ring to it, eh? She could go by Tag, or pull a Prince and respond to “#.” Okay, maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves, but this definitely is a sign of the tech-crazed times. Could the name Hashtag be trending (har har), and possibly be this generation's Ashley or Stephanie? Probably not, but it does beg the question, #whathastheworldcometo? (HuffPo)
Photo: Via HuffPo