Sure, it may look like the time for frivolous summer fun outside your window, but don't be fooled, dear reader — a return to reality is approaching quickly. Yep, you've got but weeks to prep your wardrobe before it's back to school or back to the grind at the office. So while it may still be season for poolside margs, it's also time to hit the stores and set your style for the months ahead.
To make sure your wardrobe is up to date and ahead of the curve when classes begin and summer vacations end, we've partnered with our pals at Lily of France to create your official, ultimate guide to getting yourself ready for the end of the season. From what jeans to wear to chic, transitional sweaters to seriously versatile accessories, we've got your entire fall mapped out for you. So, click through and get a head start on planning out those all-important late-summer shopping trips, because when reality comes a-callin', you don't want to be behind schedule.