After seeing Tom Pecheux twice today, we feel a bit stalker-ish. But truth be told, we just can't stay away. So we chased him down backstage at Doo.Ri and snagged a few of his insider tips. His makeup kit must-have? French homeopathic moisturizer, Homeoplasmine. "I put it on the models' lips to keep them moisturized, and since it's not sticky or shiny, it can be used anywhere—irritated noses when you have a cold, dry elbows, wind whipped cheeks..." As for his white eyeshadow tip from Doo.Ri: Lightly dust white eyeshadow underneath the eye to make a smoky look pop. '"The white will catch the light and make the eyes look darker, but not heavy." Case in point, the see-through "Jane Birkin meets Patti Smith" hyper-blended out smoky eye he created by using a combo of two new MAC shadows (a brownish grey shadow called Keep Your Cool and a grey called new Lady Grey), a white MAC Eye Kohl Pencil in Fascinating along the waterline, and a hint of white eye shadow.