Captain Obvious statement of the day: We love us some nail art. We know everyone else's fascination with it seems to be waning, but we can't help ourselves — we respect the artistry and "wow" factor behind a really well-done design. However, our love of decked-out digits is not unconditional.
We've tried our fair share of nail-art experiments, but after engaging in some mani-focused Internet browsing, we've come across some designs we're convinced should never be tried again by anyone, anywhere. Looking at these cartoon Beatles and 3-D Olympic rings tips, all we could do was stare agog and have a serious "WTF were they thinking?" moment.
We couldn't not share these manicure horror stories with you, so buckle your seat belts, ladies, because some of these DIYs are not for the faint of heart.

All we ask in exchange for this Monday-morning treat? That you share your thoughts below — because we are definitely dying to hear your reactions. And hey, if any of you are down to defend these fingers, we're here to hear your opening arguments.
Wanna stare some more? Check out all the weirdness on our Pinterest board.
Photos via Pinterest (clockwise from top left): Angela Schneider; Amy Zatylny; Angela Schneider; AMIClubwear; Angela Schneider; Angela Schneider; Tudo Make; Beatriz Figueiredo; Angela Schneider; Beatriz Figuerido.