Furry vests grow wild with Parisian style-setters. By Kelley Hoffman

Tale as old as time—in fact, since the beginning of time—women have adored wearing fur. For real or for faux, the material carries the weight of both luxury and controversy, that is, depending the circle you roll with. But as the season changes and we look for warmer wares, we're finding the current worn way of fur (or fur-inspired) pieces isn't in your classic, overwhelming glamorous style, but rather a gorgeous-meets-monster look in blocky vests that puff up and break up the chest, as well as compliment the texture of your hair. The inspiration is less J.Lo, and more of a rock 'n' roll twist between Cocteau's Belle et la Bëte and Where the Wild Things Are. Check out some of these looks that dominated street style in Paris during Fashion Week and beyond.

Furry vests grow wild with Parisian style-setters.