It's unlikely that any sister could ever step out from Beyoncé's shadow, but we're glad we put our money on Solange to make it happen. Girl rocked New York Fashion Week, and now she's dressed down in denim, on this month's UK mag, Rollacoaster. (MTVStyle)
If luxury sportswear were the "mission," Prada would be one of the most "impossible" of all — at least, until this inside peek. The design house is opening their studio doors for a brief look before Milan Fashion Week. (D.Republica.It)
And you thought you cuckoo for Coco Puffs? Tim Burgess of the The Charlatans tweeted that "Totes Amazeballs" would be a great cereal name, and Kellogs got right on board. "They're schhhhweet!" (Rollingstone)
What's red, blue, and bubble-gum pink on top? Obviously, it's Nicki Minaj in this month's Vogue. This is the best Jessica Rabbit Avatar we've seen yet. (Vogue)
His impact on the art world is like no other, but now you can check Andy Warhol's just-as-memorable slew of one-liners. Perfect for impressing your friends at your next party, perhaps? (Flavorwire)

Photo: Via MTVStyle