The first thing we check out in a new city (before hitting the local boutiques or requisite tourist spots): the food — and not just because we're usually ravenous by the time we get off the plane. Whether it's brie in France, pisco in Chile, or truffles in Italy, there are certain types of grub you just can't get anywhere else — or get better anywhere else.
So, when Asha Leo landed in Tokyo for the first time ever — to investigate Japan’s Decora culture for R29’s new video series, Style Out There — she had one culinary item on her mind: fish. And, where else to sample the vast saltwater fare than at Tsukiji, the largest seafood market in the world? "If you love sushi, it's like going to the motherland," Leo says.
Bursting with 1,600 vendors selling more than 400 different types of marine products, it's a must-see for any type of tourist. But, prepare to be overwhelmed: "People are frantically buying up everything," says Leo. "There were packages of things — I wouldn’t be able to tell you what was inside. It was sort of mystery food." Fortunately, with the help of her Moto X and Moto Hint, Leo navigated her way to fresh king crab legs. "We were cracking the shells and eating them on the street. It was the most succulent crab I have ever had." See the whole adventure in the video above, and be sure to check out all of Leo’s globe-trotting in our Style Out There video series here.