1. Clever Makeup Tips For Girls Who Wear Glasses—You know what they say. Four eyes are better than one...or something like that...
2. 10 Fabulous Fall Home Decor Finds From The Editors Of Lonny Magazine—Yes, okay, we have a pillow for $700, but how could they not show you it? It's so rad!
3. 8 Bloggers Under 18 You Need To Be Reading!—If you want to feel old, we recommend checking this link out.
4. Oh, Ja! Sweet Street Style From Stockholm—We're planning our own Fashion Week wardrobes around this slideshow...
5. Our Biggest Ever Fall Beauty Checklist—Everything you need to get your makeup bin prepped for fall.
6. Come Crush On Cults' Super-Cool Frontwoman—How adorable is Madeline??
7. Throw Back! Zines To Flip Through—There's something so satisfying about flipping through an actual magazine. We hope you agree!
9. Amplify Your Eyes With These Quick Tips—Prep your peepers by matching your eye color to your makeup.
10. Blogger High-5: Zana Bayne's Wish-List—The Queen of Darkness shares her wish-list with us (and yes, it includes cream cheese).