1. 5 Appetizing Food-Inspired Beauty Products—Who knew Kombucha was just as effective on your face as in your belly?
2. It's Official! Lanvin For H&M Will Hit Stores November 20—Commence celebrations, pronto! We wonder how long the lines will be for this one...
3. 20 Leather Jackets We Want Now—It's getting to be leathuh weathuh, didn't you know?
4. Fall Lipstick Challenge: Nude Vs. Red!—Are you more a red lippy gal or a nude?
5. Earn Your Letters With These Varsity Jackets—Channel your inner football jock (yes, we know it's in there) with these letterman jackets.
6. 6 Emerging Designers To Watch This NYFW—The new guard in New York—get to know them now before they blow up!
7. Stock Up On Stylish Socks For Fall—Fall's easiest accessory is also one of the most practical, too!
8. My NY: Hilary Rhoda—Supermodel Hilary Rhoda shares her favorite NYC spots.
9. Hot Pics From Our C Of C Party!—You LAers are so cute. What gives?
10. Ash Makes The Perfect Commuting Boot—Shoes that won't wuss out come harsh commuting weather.