We all know the benefits of huffing and puffing your way to a firmer backside with a hard-charging spinning class. The speed, constant encouragement from the instructor, and group setting make them ideal for pushing your attack on calories and your cardiovascular system to the limit. But our newest local import from NYC, Flywheel, offers a few tantalizing differences from your typical spin center — on top of an amphitheater-style studio offering better views of the instructor and preventing the butt-to-face setup of so many classes, their new facilities offer full digital displays on each bike, a larger main screen that tracks class leaders, an in-house DJ on and complimentary cycling shoes for every session. While they're already accepting memberships here, Flywheel Miami actually cracks open its doors June 16th — meaning you have plenty of time to pick out the perfect Lyrca suit!
Photo: Courtesy Flywheel.