Try as I might, I can never, ever seem to drag myself out of bed for a morning workout. I remind myself how much better I'll feel for the rest of the day after pumping endorphins through my system. I tell myself how convenient it would be to get my sweat session out of the way before the workday saps my motivation. And, isn't revving your metabolism in the morning better for you than doing it at night? Or did I make that up?
Our friends at Women's Health have tackled this age-old question — and it turns out that the answer isn't so black-or-white. According to a 2012 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, women who worked out in the morning were afterward less enticed by photos of food than when they didn't get in some a.m. exercise. What's more, on the days they broke a sweat in the morning, they were more physically active for the rest of the day — suggesting that one active deed begets another.
But, exercising later in the day comes with its own perks. A 2010 study published in Chronobiology International indicated that muscular function and enzyme activity are at their height from 2 to 6 p.m., meaning that workouts performed in these hours may be the most effective. So, when is the best time for you to break a sweat? Click through to find out. (Women's Health)