How much does Beyoncé love the FLOTUS? Let her count the ways. In yet another tear-jerking blog post (don't get us started on our overly emotional reaction to the Blue Ivy pics), Jay-Z's better half praises MObama for everything from her family values to her grace under the public microscope.
We love the idea of one strong, successful woman taking the time to call out another for her total awesomeness, especially when it comes in the form of a hand-written letter. Seriously, we're so enamored with this note, we're even willing to overlook Beyonce's use of "u" instead of "you."
And of course, there's the fact that she's totally on the money — we could all take a page out of Bey's book and start looking to Mrs. Obama for more than just stellar sartorial inspiration. (Beyoncé)
Photo: Courtesy of Beyonce.com