We were doing our usual apartment-lusting over at The Selby when we stumbled upon Chase Cohl's, um, how shall we say this, freakin' amazing Soho abode. For those not up to speed on their It girls in the making, Cohl's got more going for her than killer furniture—the former Nylon intern also sings for the folk-rocky Weepaw, and designs elaborate, handmade headpieces under the label Littledoe is Love. We know, we know—you need another headband like you need a hole in the head, but there's something very peace love and happiness about these feathered and luau-ready floral bands. Of course, since we haven't scored an invite to a pow-wow in, oh, ever, we're kind of wondering when we'll have an occasion worthy of that dramatic purple, Marge Simpson-meets-Indian-war-bonnet burst of plumage. Although, Thanksgiving is coming up…

Interior photography by Todd Selby, www.theselby.com.
For more information and to order your own custom headband, go to www.littledoeislove.com.