Blair is currently the Digital Media Manager for Krupp Group.
Here’s the thing — I have embarrassing initials. The absolute worst. In middle school, being named Blair Julia Smith meant kids hurled insults and innuendos at me daily, about things you could probably imagine.
Even if you got rid of my middle name, I was left with B.S. Throw in some chunky braces (Side note: Which orthodontist had the idea to thematically align colored braces to holidays? Terrible.) and awkward fluffy hair, and I was a junior-high disaster in the making. Signing for a UPS package? Awful. Monogrammed towels? Devastating.
Then, of course, a full 13 years later, I experienced what shrinks like to call a “moment of clarity.” When I started working at Krupp Group, I saw that our client Melissa Joy Manning made the loveliest gold alphabet post earrings. As I looked around the office and saw my coworkers wearing their AK and CB earrings, I jealously thought I had another missed opportunity on my hands. And then it hit me— why not? So, in my ongoing quest to find perfect everyday earrings, I ordered my B and S in 14K gold.
Perfectly understated and eco-friendly to boot, each letter is crafted by hand by Melissa’s team of super-talented metalsmiths. The metal — recycled silver or 14K gold — is sourced from refineries that have the highest available environmental standards, producing 75% less liquid waste and recycling water throughout the process. Throw in my 285-square-foot apartment and love for public transportation, and Al Gore might even be proud.
Truth be told, I rarely take these off, wearing them to editor lunches and Bat Mitzvahs alike. While it may feel like I’ve forsaken all of the other wonderful pairs of earrings in my jewelry box, I’m okay with it because I can finally say that I 100% own my bullshit.