How many of us have gone to get a facial, only to wind up broken out the next day. Bummer, right? We guarantee you it was nowhere near as bad as what happened to Juli, a Singaporean beauty blogger. Juli claims that after receiving a facial (she doesn't name the spa, products, or methods used), she broke out in a terrifying, pus-filled rash that only got worse each day after the treatment. The photos are terrifying, and an important warning for women considering any kind of beauty treatment.
As Juli puts it: "The facial people told me that ‘It has to get worse before it gets better.' BULLSHIT. Anyone who tells you that about your skin is really just lying to you." To that, we say: hear, hear! Yes, some treatments do involve some pain (such as laser hair removal or Botox injections), but it's important to weigh risks and rewards before receiving a beauty treatment, and to speak up if anything goes awry. No one's skin should be burning during a standard facial at a reputable spa, and if you experience any pain or allergic reactions, you should get yourself to a dermatologist, stat.
Also important to note is that the dermatologist Juli saw afterwards said that her skin likely reacted to an herbal or botanical ingredient. A lot of women think that because something is natural, it has to be good for your skin, but this is clearly not the case. All the more important to be aware of what your potential skin allergies are, and to ask your aesthetician in advance what ingredients they are using on your complexion. (BuzzFeed)