Summer is nearing, the sun is shining, and it's time for all of us to step up our game—our sunglasses game, that is. We've already culled the best sunnie splurges out there, so now all you have to do is buy, buy, buy. And, you might as well head to Bloomingdale's for a little help—they've kitted out the Lexington Avenue windows of the uptown flagship with some seriously futuristic HD flat screens that let shoppers virtually try on shades. All you have to do is shuffle up to the screen, and voila!, a pair of, say, Pradas appear, perfectly fit to your face. You can check yourself out from different angles, and try on different brands and styles. Then, if you need to mull over your options, the sunglasses bar on the main floor can print pics to take home. We're seriously hoping this catches on at all kinds of stores—it's high time they realize that window displays are actually for peeping your own reflection. (Racked)

Photo: Via Racked