While we are glad to see you, this isn't your movie! What brings you out tonight?
"Chris Walken! I adore him and have worked with [him] on several things at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, and I'd go anywhere to work with Chris, or watch him work..."
The Williamstown Theatre Festival is amazing! We go every summer!
"Well, that's where my daughter cut her teeth on this acting thing many years ago when she was tiny."
Tonight you are wearing an Obama pin. How important is it for people with higher visibility to be involved in politics?
"As long as you are well-informed and you are giving the facts as they really are, the ones you can get from the Congressional Budget Office, and you don't go off the path (which is so important) — you know, we are citizens, and we have the right to express ourselves. And, I have been doing a lot of work in Pennsylvania (my home state), and I am going to Iowa and Wisconsin in the next few days.
We are dying to know: Do you read Goop?
"Of course I do. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't read Goop. I love Goop. It's fabulous."
Photos: Patrick McMullan