I'm much more likely to stockpile eye palettes than actually use them. I find their prettiness irresistible, but honestly, as someone who might never want to wear a smoky eye, all those colors at once are a little overwhelming for me. That is, until I picked up Bobbi Brown's new Surf & Sand Eyeshadow Palette, which is apparently my soul in makeup form.
I'm not interested in using the palette to create the "classic Bobbi eye" with layers of different hues, as the product's description instructs, but that hasn't stopped me from using it every day for the past two weeks — no exaggeration. I've taken to just throwing it in my purse and schlepping it around everywhere.
So, how and why has this become such a summer staple for me? Even though there's a clear, unifying theme to the colors, they're very versatile. A light dusting of Blazing Star Sparkle (top right) has quickly become my go-to way to brighten up a summery bold-lip look. A swipe of Golden Copper Metallic (bottom left corner) applied with my fingers in a big, smudgy shape past my crease makes even the most minimally made-up face look glamorous. The matte shades are the perfect way to balance out my dewy (read: sweat-laden) July complexion. In short, I have yet to find a hot-weather makeup need that can't be met with one of these shades.
The colors are really pigmented so you don't need to glop a ton on to get serious color impact. Right now, I'm trying to put as little on my face as possible while still wearing makeup, so this is really working for me. Since each hue is so multidimensional, and the shimmery ones reflect light in different ways, I've found that it only takes one color to create a full effect.
While I might not be a full-on eye palette convert, I'm fully committed to this one. At least until next season.
Bobbi Brown Surf & Sand Eyeshadow Palette in Sand, $65, available at Nordstrom.