We know we're barely through the first day back after a long weekend, but we could really use a cool glass of Chardonnay. In fact, we're hard-pressed to find a situation when we don't crave a fine bottle of the grape. Luckily for us (and our fellow winos), there's a brand new Big Apple service to help us get our fill.
BoozeCarriage.com (think of it as Seamless for hops, grapes, and liquor) just launched the Wine Club, a membership service dedicated to all things red, white, and bubbly. You can choose from tons of different flavors and varietals, as well as dictate how much you want to spend and how often you want your wine. Membership starts at a meager $24.99, and you won't get hit with delivery fees or extra markups. That's a small price to pay for a stocked liquor cabinet without having to press pause on The Bachelor.
Photo: Courtesy of Booze Carriage.