While we aren't really even sure if Brad Pitt owns a dog (Jacques is shielded from the paps, much like the twins), a new book will hit shelves on April 16, claiming to have all the intel on the elusive canine.
But, don't be fooled by award-winning author (his essays can be seen in Dazed and Confused, Another Man, and Spin) Johan Kugelberg's sneaky title. Turns out, this book is really a mélange of hilariously thought-provoking musings on subjects like altered Michael Jackson eulogies, YouTube's never-ending satires, punk, photography, and artists like Dash Snow. Think Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs for the aughts.
According to Kugelberg, the name actually refers to "what happens to you if you are told that the dog that you see making number one or number two on the sidewalk belongs to Brad Pitt. What's then being made by Brad Pitt's dog is number three." Make sense? Yeah, we got a little lost in there, too. So, you might just have to read it to sort this one out!
You can pre-order the oddly amusing compilation on Amazon now, but remember that poor Jacques is just a pawn in this pop-culture game — you'll get way more out of turning these pages than Boo-style babble.
Photo: Via Amazon