You might have LOLed at our previous post about Cat Breading, aka making your cat a yeasty and fashionable accessory out of a slice of bread. But while some of us have cats that won't sit still long enough to give them a doughy mane, or we simply don't have an occasion to deck our felines out in the finest whole wheat-couture (royal weddings don't come around often), there's now an iPhone app called Breadit that'll give you all of the grain with none of the hassle. In fact, the creator of Breadit made the app as a Valentine's Day present for his girlfriend, who loved the trend but had cats who just wouldn't cooperate. Yeah, he won February 14 this year.
The app itself is very simple: Just take a picture of your favorite feline (or other unsuspecting meat creature, we suppose), choose your bread, and drag, pinch, and rotate the slice until it's the proper size to fit your subject's visage. Then, consider it your civic duty to share your pic through every single one of your social media channels. Seriously, the world wants to squee at your new little cat loaf.
You can download Breadit for $0.99 at the App Store, but we have a surprise for our R29 cat-lovers: We've got a few exclusive free download codes, so tell us in the comments below why you love your cat, and we'll pick five winners to get their bread on. Meow!
Photo: Courtesy of Breadit