"In mein dreams, ich sleep naked in a giant reed basket drifting slowly down ze Nile, cradled in ze arms of Daniel Radcliffe."—GQ's latest cover babe, Brüno. (The Cut)
Glenn O'Brien, who just left Interview and is being sued by the publisher for breach of contract began his latest article for GQ with, "Today, my calendar being almost too clear." Uh, yeah. (Men.Style)
Ok, ok—so maybe LiLo isn't the international jewel thief she's been made out to be. (TMZ)
Poor Garance was mistaken for the hired help at the Women in Fashion event. (Garance Doré)
"Which legendary NYC designer, whose name is an international mega-brand, is more famous in the East Village for paying $100 a time to lick the armpits of gay bar go-go dancers?" Actually, you can keep that item blind. (StyleList)
Eddie Van Halen is suing Nike claiming they stole the color scheme from his iconic guitar for a new shoe. And to think, it was only 20 years ago when all that would have mattered. (WWD)