The Ultimate Guide To Brunching In NYC

Photo: Courtesy of Jack's Wife Freda.
For New Yorkers, "brunch" is both a noun, verb, and way of life. It's not only a twice-weekly opportunity to eat eggs and pancakes, it's also a way to catch up with friends and a socially acceptable way to start drinking at noon. It goes without saying that, at Refinery29, we love brunch for all those reasons — and many more. In fact, we pride ourselves of being an office full of brunch experts, and that experience is hard-won. We've sipped Bloody Mary's in five boroughs, and lined up for eggs benny in every neighborhood. And we're here to share our knowledge with you.
From the famous, sure-to-be-a-wait spots (Looking at you, Jack's Wife Freda) to the out-of-the-way neighborhood spots where everybody knows your name, these are the brunch spots that R29eres swear by. From dim sum to Mediterranean to classic two egg scrambles, there's something for everyone. And, with over 50 (and counting) places to choose from, we have you set for at least a year of mid-day weekend noshing.
So whether you're visiting New York for a weekend or a lifer looking for something new, read on. And remember, no matter how bad things are, you're never more than six days away from your next brunch. Happy feasting!

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