Behold: The Burger King Makeover

And here we thought our nail art and food shoot was pretty out there. But to up the ante, Buzzfeed uncovered a Burger King ad from the Netherlands, which shows what happens when you set a makeup artist loose with some bright colors, a food-based theme, and no restrictions.
The result is nothing short of awesome: burger eyeshadow. We've got a little sesame seed bun on the lid; some lettuce lashes; onion, ketchup, pickle, and cheese liner, with a charbroiled patty underneath the lash line. Who knew Burger King had such an avant-garde side? And why don't American ads look this cool? We might actually take our hands off the fast-forward button of our DVRs if this kind of creativity flashed across our screens on a regular basis, instead of all the useless drivel we get on the TV now. (Buzzfeed)
Which other foods do you think deserve their own makeup look?

Photo: Via Buzzfeed

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