As the vulnerable, self-destructive hooker and aspiring actress with control issues, Bree Daniels, in the 1971 film Klute, Jane Fonda struggles to escape a stalker and her problematic profession on the seedy 1970's streets of pre-Giuliani New York in thigh-high leather boots and an intense shag haircut. Bree's source of income may be questionable, but her 1970's city-gal style of light knits, t-shirts, suede minis, and statement boots is perfect for a Fall wardrobe.

Klute opens with Bree in a demoralizing model casting, sitting hopefully under giant Guy Bourdain images in a tight gray sweater, gray-printed maxi skirt and gray patent boots. High tragedy mixes with high fashion as she later attempts to seduce an investigator from Tuscarora in a floor length slinky, shimmering gown.

Amidst junkies, pimps and nut jobs, Bree is an urban girl on the move casually donning a double-breasted short trench coat with brown leather trimming over her micro-mini dress, brass buckled wide belt, long fringed bag and thigh-high leather boots. Like an adroitly clad lady of pleasure in her white, front buttoned, calf length skirt, fitted leather boots, tan t-shirt and brown leather waist-cinching belt, Bree is sexy, tough and intelligent. If she could only make that elusive breakthrough with her shrink, this busy call-girl could put her stylish savoir faire to better use.

To get a bite of Bree's commanding style, we suggest Helmut Lang's drape-front cardigan, the black wool Sapphire dress by Kai Kuhne, an APC classic trench coat, an Acne Jeans leather mini skirt, a Karen Walker wide waist belt, Miu Miu suede over-the-knee boots, Ideen's shine dress , Opening Ceremony's elastic strap booties, and soft Henley t-shirts by Sophomore.