Photos: Courtesy of YouTube, Interscope
"If this corgi wanted me to call it, I wouldn't waste another second, ring up the little guy, and ask it how its legs are so small. The video has an awful lot of barking, but the whole thing hits a major high with the little corgi drags out the tub and takes a pudgy, adorable bath."
—Leila Brillson, special projects editor
"After a number-one spot on Billboard, a Tay Zonday cover is sort of like a final coda to Jepson's slow climb. It either means she's officially a star, or we're witnessing her apex... it's hard to know which."
—Nathan Reese, contributing music writer
"Call Me, Maybe: The Disney Version"
"Clearly the original is the best. The almost Biebs/Selena kiss? Awww. The fake mustaches and lack of bongs or uh, salvia? So wholesome and fun. And The Tiz, hogging every inch of camera time she can? In this case, I don't hate it. S-W-A-G!"
—Kristian Laliberte, senior editor
"Come on, this is hands-down the most adorable jam session ever. With The Roots rocking out on toy instruments and Jimmy Fallon backing up CRJ on vocals (and looking like he's trying really hard to resist her charms), this version will make you want to run out and buy your own mini xylophone just to play along. That being said, apologies to my deskmates for the one I'm bringing in on Monday."
—Lisa Eppich, editorial production assistant
"Call Me Maybe: The Presidential Version"
"President Obama has one of the most soothing voices around, which makes his mashup of 'Call Me Maybe' extra refreshing. With a baritone like that, who wouldn't want to call him?"
—Holly Thomas, D.C. editor
"Excuse the fact that I'm 100% biased, but, naturally, I think the R29 version of 'Call Me Maybe' tops them all. A semi-choreographed dance party and lipsync sesh with the interns, topped off with some confetti... shouldn't every weekend start that way?"
—Gina Marinelli,