The world of fashion might seem to be some kind of impenetrable club, but the truth is, all you need to get into the game is an irrational fondness for clothing, and a few skills to help you monetize it. To get you going with the latter is Fashionista University, a seven-week program that helps you navigate the ins and outs of the industry. Aimed at budding fashion people in junior high through college (all you post-college kids should keep your ears to the ground though—adult versions are in the works!), the classes are filled with the kind of practical lessons about the industry. Learn how to run a small fashion business (which includes designing a collection, and marketing your wares) or get your foot into the PR door (which includes a trip to New York Fashion Week). Better yet, there's a $100 discount for all you R29 readers! Use the discount code FU011110 while registering and you'll get more learnin' for your buck. To sign up, visit FashionistaUniversity.com. Here's to higher ed!